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Global Forum 2009
Bucuresti, Romania


Din 1992, Global Forum reuneste peste 300 de actori-cheie de nivel înalt ai Societatii de Comunicare si Informatica din toata lumea.

Oamenii s-au reunit timp de doua zile în interesul de a acumula inteligenta colectivului(tendinte, provocari, potentiale solutii) din IT&C, economia digitala si abilitarea(consolidarea)tehnologiei.

Doua zile de „Davos of Communication and Technology”

  • furnizarea unei platforme pentru expunerea punctelor divergente de opinii
  • oportunitatea participantilor de a dezvolta solutii imaginare în parteneriat cu alte companii
  • permiterea participantilor de a fi la curent cu cele mai recente evolutii in tehnologie, reglementari, piete si aplicatii de comunicare si difuzare
  • o intâlnire anuala High-Profile International & Independent Event
  • dedicata afacerilor, politicii si problemelor societatii civile
  • succesul evolutiei Societatii Infomationale

A two days „Davos of Communication and Technology”.

The 2010 Edition of the e-government GLOBAL FORUM hosted over 300 attendees at the Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest with the following key opening speakers: His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania, Mr. Christian Rupp, Federal Executive Secretary eGovernment Austria, His Excellency, Mr. Emil Boc Prime-Minister of Romania, Mr. Gabriel Sandu Minister – Ministry of Communications and Information Society.

Mihai Craiu welcoming His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania for the opening of the eGovernment event.

„The benefits of this type of Government (eGovernment) apply to all Romanian socio-economic players: companies are now able to easily pay their bills, state authorities can control the procurement better and apply the process faster and more transparently. In this context, I recommend and raise a flag to state owned companies to use the electronic tenders system for all public tenders they are deploying.“ stated His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania during the opening session of the eGovernment Forum, special guest at the event by Media Consulta International and ComputerLand.

“My dear friends, First of all, I take this opportunity to thank you for the invitation to the Romanian eGovernment Forum today. Really, it was a well organized event, even more so with the presence of H.E. Mr Traian Basescu, President of Romania. Please receive my congratulations for this event and I wish you and your team best of luck in the future business.” – Yacub Yousif AL HOSANI Ambassador of UAE to Romania

Esti liber atunci cand actionezi in felul tau, cand esti independent , iar aceasta libertate duce la reusite impresionante, extraordinare. Cu toate acestea, ca toate lucrurile bune, aceasta libertate are un pret: acela de a-ti depasi limitele in permanenta.